Printed Music
Chopin Piano Concerto in e minor 1st mvmt (notational piano score)
Notational Score of Chopin's Piano Concerto in e minor
Notational Score of Stravinsky's Petruskka
Petrouchka (3rd Mvmt) Performed on video (with notational piano score)
Petrouchka Notational Piano Score (simplified)
Simplified Petrouchka Notational Segments (3rd mvmt)
Christmas Songs Score/Notation Snippets

Organist Sheet Music (Notation)
CRULES (Control Rules)
No Choice: Dangers of "Original Sin" Theology
Why Believe the Bible?
Basic Guitar-Chording Charts!
Guitar-Chord-Charted Hymn Lyrics
Toccata by Eugene Butler
Cateresy: Atonement by Ingesting Eucharist?
NO woman should orate in a pulpit nor at a lecturn
near the altar in any Christian church, Islamic mosque, or Jewish synagogue
within a congregation containing men, per First Corinthians 14:33-38 and First Timothy 2:11-14.
Credibility of Common Sense Science
Hitler Rallies His Youthful Supporters
Nazi Soldier's Rally Song
Navy Hymn
The Glory of the Cross
Cleansing Fountain
Pilgrim's Hymn (Stephen Paulus)
He Who Shall Endure to the End (Mendelssohn)
Alleluia (Randall Thompson)
Salvation is Created (Pavel Tschesnokov)
Oasis (Maynard Ferguson)
Eiger Sanction (John Williams)
Common Sense Science Hotlinks
Also, NO child 12 and under (noisy or not) should be allowed entrance into any religious-worship sanctuary
per Job 6:24 & 13:5, Psalm 62:1, Proverbs 22:15, Ecclesiastes 3:7, Isaiah 3:12 & 47:5, Habakkuk 2:20,
Zephaniah 1:7 and Zechariah 2:13
All Churches in the United States pastored by a woman clergyperson should have their Tax-Exempt Status revoked,
in accord with Ecclesiastes 7:26-28, Isaiah 3:12, Nahum 3:12-13, First Corinthians 14:33-38, First Timothy 2:8-15, and First Peter 3:7.
Although genuine "ladies" should wear socks with shoes when in general
mixed-gender public view . . .
. . . the natural spouse with non-painted toenails and no toenail polish is
at her sexually-attractive, most-erotically-appealing, desirable best!
Sacrifice for
Print, re-copy, distribute, and utilize this as an Annual Mate-a-Thon Application and Questionnaire!
Lutheran Red Hymnal Hymns
George F Handel Fugettes
Little Bach Minuets
Edited Fingering by Icorigin for Bach 2-part and 3-part Inventions
Eight Bach Preludes/Fugues for Organ
Mendelssohn Song Without Words in A-Flat Major
George Schering
Jack Foy Jazz 1
Jack Foy Jazz 2
Old Pop
Kabelevsky Sonatina in C
Nevin Rosary
Eugene Butler Toccata
Scriabin Etude
Scriabin Etude in C# played by Pianist #1
Scriabin Etude in C# played by Pianist #2
Scriabin Etude in C# played by Pianist #3
Scriabin Etude in C# played by Pianist #4
Paul Manz: Savior of the Nations, Come
Hymn Music Scores
Hymn List
Music-Notation Piano/Organ Scores
Music-Notation Piano/Organ Scores